This study by Dr. Kemp, et al, sought to discover why patients who’d undergone arthroscopic labral repairs continued to experience pain and dysfunction even two years after the initial procedure.  The authors found that patients continued to function below normal levels due to a multitude of strength and range of motion factors. 

Most importantly, the two factors the authors deemed critical to success in this patient subgroup were abduction hip strength and the ability to repeat a single leg squat.  Patients’ who restored higher levels of hip abduction strength following surgery performed significantly better than their less fortunate counterparts with regards to functional and plyometric testing.  Likewise, patients’ who could complete at least 16 unassisted single leg squats displayed greater functional outcomes than others.  Perhaps most interestingly, this article found that patients who underwent surgery experienced post-operative strength and functional deficits on BOTH the involved and uninvolved legs when compared to control values. 

So in conclusion, while squats, clamshells, sideplanks, and band walks may be a pain in the butt (literally!) during the rehab process, they conclusively lead to better long-term results following arthroscopic hip surgery. 

Patients With Chondrolabral Pathology Have Bilateral Functional Impairments 12 to 24 Months After Unilateral Hip Arthroscopy: A Cross-sectional Study. Authors: Joanne L. Kemp, PT, PhD1,2May Arna Risberg, PT, PhD3Anthony G. Schache, PT, PhD4Michael Makdissi, MD, PhD5Michael G. Pritchard, MD, FRACS6Kay M. Crossley, PT, PhD2