Tired of taking medication for your knee or shoulder pain? PRP injections, or platelet-rich plasma injections, can be used to decrease pain and speed up healing. Plasma, the liquid part of your blood, is what contains all of the red and white blood cells and platelets that circulate throughout your body. Platelets are an important part of the healing process, causing blood to clot and allowing healing to begin.

Using a concentrated amount of your unique platelets, doctors can inject them directly into the injured tendon or muscle. This platelet rich plasma then releases growth hormone and other healing factors to accelerate healing. The added benefit is that there are very few side effects because you are using platelets from your own body!

PRP injections have had the most success for people with Achilles tendonitis, golfers and tennis elbow, and ligament injuries. Studies have also shown that PRP injections may be helpful in reducing the symptoms of knee arthritis. However, the majority of commercial insurances in the USA do not cover PRP injections due to it not being deemed “medically necessary” when other treatments are available. The injections can cost between $500-$1200 out of pocket if not covered! Overall, PRP injections are a good alternative to using pharmaceuticals for pain management such as opioids or over the counter anti inflammatory medications, but the high cost can be a barrier for most people.